Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Conference presentation videos

Well as you may know if you read my earlier posting 'IATEFL online' I spent the earlier part of this month in Exeter at the 42nd Annual IATEFL conference working with a marvelous bunch of people from the British Council and IATEFL ,

We spent most of the week collecting, collating and editing as much material from the conference as we could and are now in the process of making it available online.

So if you couldn't get to the conference, but would like the opportunity to watch and listen to some of the presentations then go along to: http://exeteronline.britishcouncil.org

You may need to register, but it's fast and free. At present there are about 15 video presentations live and available along with presentation slides, notes and handouts from the sessions. Over the coming weeks we have a further 50 -60 audio recordings to make available.
There are also some pretty active forums if you want to network and discuss what you've been watching. I think this must be one of the biggest professional development opportunities available on the web and it's all free.

Hope you enjoy it.


Nik Read More..

Friday, April 18, 2008

Learn English and get fit

I just spotted this rather remarkable example of an English video lesson for Japanese students. It shows some rather remarkable use of music and includes a revolutionary drilling method.

Watch, learn and enjoy!

Try this at home and you might also get fit too.

As someone who has always believed in the benefits of drilling new language, it's great to see that the ancient art still finds a place in our modern world!

But on a more serious note you might find this useful if you're involved in teacher training and want to get some discussion going around the theme of drills.


Nik Read More..

Thursday, April 3, 2008

IATEFL Online Conference 2008

Well apologies to any regular visitors who have noticed the lack of activity her over the last week. This is mainly because my time over the next couple of weeks is being consumed by one of the biggest meetings of English language teachers in the World. The IATEFL annual conference.

I've been working as part of the online editorial team for the event and there are now some very active, discussion forums going on a whole range of ELT related subjects. Over the next week, the face to face event will begin and when it does we hope to be broadcasting and archiving a whole range of the live events including video and audio of interviews, plenaries and workshops.

So if you don't have the time and money to get along to Exeter UK from now until 11th April, then come along and sign on for the free online conference and get the opportunity to share experiences with teachers from all over the world.

Come and join us at: http://exeteronline.britishcouncil.org/

And if anyone is going along to the face to face event.
Hope to see you there.


Nik Read More..