The comments usually fit into one or more of these categories
- Where is all the new talent?
- Why aren’t there more women speakers around?
- Well technology that’s for the guys.
Shelly Turrell & Ozge Karaoglu
One of the great presentations that everyone was talking about this year was by Shelly and Ozge.
Ozge based in Turkey and Shelly based in Germany were reporting on a project they created between their classes of young learners. They shared the results of their work and information about the kinds of tools and the issues involved in running a project of this kind with young students.
- You can find out more about that project here: Engaging Lower Primary Students Through Web2.0 Tools
- You can also watch Shelly being interviewed about the project at: Interview with Shelly Turrell
- She is also one of the most prolific EFL tweeters with a huge following on Twitter, so if you are thinking of growing your PLN then her twitter page would be a great place to start. - She also has her own video channel on YouTube where you can find loads of interesting clips to view:
- You can also add Ozge to your PLN and start following her on Twitter:
Marisa was just one of the stars of this years’ Pecha Kucha presentations (20 slides in 6.40 minutes). You can watch the Pecha Kuchas here: IATEFL 2010 Pecha Kucha
- Marisa also has her own blog ' TEFL Matters' where she publishes information on language teaching, teacher education and new technologies. Marisa is a teacher trainer and also runs a busy teacher training school in Athens. Among the things you can find on her blog are links to her recent presentation on animating course books with digital materials and some of her reflections on being an online teacher in a virtual world.
- You can also add Marisa to your PLN and start following her on Twitter at:
Burcu Akyol
Burcu was also one of the star presenters at this years’ Pecha Kucha event and she opened the event with 20 slides of 20 seconds about how Twitter had effected her professional life and its impact on conference events such as IATEFL and the recent ISTEK International ELT Conference (27-28 March 2010 ) which she helped to organise in Turkey.
- Burcu also publishes her own blog 'Burcu Akyol's Blog' on a range of teaching and ELT related topics and I can highly recommend it particularly if you are looking for somewhere to find information about building your PLN.
- Yes you’ve already guessed that she too is prolific producer of tweets, so be sure to add her to your network.
Petra Pointner
Among Petra’s striking contributions to this years’ IATEFL conference was her presentation 'What students can get out of Twitter' on her use of Twitter with her students. Petra talks in this interview about how she became interested in Twitter and how it has impacted on her professional life. Interview with Petra Pointner
- You can watch the whole of her presentation online at: - You can also add Petra to your PLN and follow her on Twitter at:
Last but by no means least is Karenne Sylvester. Karenne’s presentation was on working in educational online communities and she explored some of the issues involved in being an e-moderator and working online with learners.
- You can also see Karenne doing, what for me was one of the highlights of the entire conference, her Pecha Kucha presentation on the history of the English language.
- Karenne also writes her own blog 'Kalingo English' which explores many of the pedagogical issues surrounding the use of educational technology with a particular focus towards business English. It’s a great read so do check that out.
- You can also follow her on Twitter at:
For me this is of key importance and significance. Technology was a huge feature of this years’ IATEFL conference and it’s very easy to be blinded or pulled along by the technology, but in the work of these six women there is for me some sign of the beginnings of a state of normalisation of technology in language teaching. A state when we can move past talking about technology and get back to talking about teaching of which technology is just a normal part and an enabler in that process of learning. I'm sure that time of normalisation will still be a long time coming, but it's great to see that at least it's beginning.
Related links:
- IATEFL Online 2010
- Twitter vs Plurk
- Social Networks and the Web 2.0 Revolution: Part 2
- Create your own social network 7 steps
- Naming My Sources: Part 1
- Naming My Sources: Part 2
Nik Peachey
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